31st October 2004, marks the 29th death anniversary of SD Burman. To commemorate him we bring to you a radio program recorded by Kishore Kumar in 1975 as obituary to his mentor . This program has gone down in the musical lore for it’s absolutely original format and winsome quality. It has Kishore taking us on an extremely entertaining journey to meet Burmanda. The […]

Welcome to Burman Dada’s Photo Album! For those of us who have the “Salt ‘n’ Pepper’ image of Dada stamped indelibly in our mind, this section should be a wonderful journey of discovery into the past.
A Book on SD Burman: The Making of The Genius
“The book is nothing but an expression of the man. The book is nothing but the man trying to talk to you, trying to impart to you, some of his feelings,” said Arnold Bennett, in his classic work, Literary Taste, while urging the reader, especially the beginners, to “acquire some biographical information about the writer.” […]
Book Review: The musical world of SD Burman
Writing a biography is a tough task. It cannot be a simple collage of photos and anecdotes culled out from authentic sources. It has to reflect on what makes the person unique. It should not get colored by the writer’s admiration or dislike of the protagonist. In crafting the biography the most difficult phase is […]